Monday, April 11, 2011

DC Cherry Blossoms–Black and White–Shallow Depth of Field

Cherry Blossoms Black and White

This post is closely related to my last post featuring the cherry blossoms encircling the tidal basin in Washington DC.  In the last post “DC Cherry Blossoms with Lensbaby Macro-Black and White” I featured extremely close up photography of the cherry blossoms.  The photographs featured in this post are similar because they are a) detail shots of the cherry blossoms, b) use a very shallow depth of field, and c) are black and white.

Cherry Blossoms Black and White-1

The shallow depth  of field (or appearance of) is achieved completely differently among the two lenses (Lensbaby in the previous post and Canon 50mm f/1.8 II here).  However, the relationship with respect to the feel of the product is much the same.  I enjoy shooting shallow depth of field to bring the viewer’s eye to what I feel is most important in that composition.

Cherry Blossoms Black and White-2

Processing in black and white furthers the process of drawing attention to a specific point by minimizing distractions that color can add.

Cherry Blossoms Black and White-3

Have fun and go make some great photography.



  1. Ingenious post, we share exactly the same opinion and experience, especially this part concerning old details from large waste and shame, .. in principle it's all a matter of taste, so who likes what in the photo should choose which direction to go with the details.
